When Is the Best Time To Visit Maldives

best time to visit Maldives in a year

As they say, “Travel as much as you can. As far as you can. As long as you can. Life’s not meant to be lived in one place”. Don’t you find this quote fascinating and true? Yes, it is important to travel, not only it entertains you, but it also rejuvenates your mind, body and soul. So, you have decided to travel, but where?

The Maldives is one of the most preferred tourist destinations due to unmatched tourist sites and not to forget- astonishing and beautiful beaches. In fact, it is the most favorite honeymoon destination, especially in Asian and European countries.

best time to visit Maldives in a year
source: thetravelmagazine.net

The destination is also decided. Now, the million dollar question is when to go to Maldives? Well, this article answers it. Stay tuned!

Maldives, also referred to as Maldives islands is an independent island country in the north-central Indian Ocean. More than 1200 small islands and sandbanks are covered in the region of Maldives. This island nation has been on the bucket list of so many travel-lovers. It is truly a fascinating country to travel independently.

best time to visit Maldives in a year
source: bestattravel.co.uk

Before planning a trip to Maldives, you definitely need to check the best time to visit Maldives in the year. Generally, December to March is considered to be the best time to visit Maldives as this period marks the peak tourist season.

Maldives also offers you with a wide range of Water activities. Water sports like Snorkeling, Windsurfing, scuba diving etc. are some of the activities you should definitely try. Because of its clear water, it gives you the most thrilling experience of water sports. If you visit Maldives in other months, heavy rains make the crystal clear water makes it unattractive for water activities.

best time to visit Maldives in a year
source: maldivestourism.in

Travelers, who like watching different cultures and festivals, can experience Maldives during the wet season which is from the month of May to November. For them, it can be the best time to visit Maldives.

The average temperature of Maldives during December to April is 24-31 degree Celsius. However, Maldives is sunny all year round, but you are sure to fall in love with the wonderful weather, no matter where you visit all year.

best time to visit Maldives in a year
source: rove.me

December to April being the driest months of the year will leave you with warm temperature and low humidity thereby giving you the best lifetime experience of diving and snorkeling. But at the same time, don’t forget to add sunscreen into your bag as you don’t want to get tan.

If you plan your trip between May to November, you could miss the most mesmerizing scenic views of Maldives as rains can spoil your whole view. Due to rains you can also find water to be no more crystal clear resulting in low visibility in diving and snorkeling. In addition to that, there can be a risk of storms also during these months.

best time to visit Maldives in a year
source: qtxasset.com

However, at the same time, you can find lowest prices in your stays and can also get some good deals and attractive offers from resort owners as it is found as an off season for them. If you want to experience the real beauty of Maldives you should definitely plan during December to April. Also if budget is not an issue for you then you should definitely check it out.


I hope this article has cleared all your doubts regarding the best time to visit Maldives in the year. Make your mind clear what exactly you want from this trip and then decide your time to go. But keep one thing in mind no matter wherever you go, Maldives will never disappoint you.

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