List of Weird Looking Trees On The Planet

creepy trees

Today we will discuss the weird trees on our planet. Our mother earth is filled with surprising elements. That is the beauty of our planet. There are several stories related to every corner of the world. We always get news on the appearance of weird creatures. There are hundreds of facts which are not disclosed till now. But one of the surprising elements on earth is funny trees. It never fails to surprise me with its uniqueness. These trees have existed on the planet for thousands of years.

Now I will give a comprehensive guide about the weird trees on our planet. These trees will evoke strange emotions in you. These trees are present in different continents, countries, states of the world. But the common thing among them is their dramatic structure.

When I first got informed about these creepy trees. I felt ecstatic. And the urge to travel and see these trees.

Weird Trees On Our Planet 

Are you curious to know about the hidden beauty of our beautiful planet?? Let’s start the journey.

  • Dragon Tree 

creepy trees

It is located in the Canary Islands. The dragon tree is 650 – 1000 years old. The scientific name of this tree is Dracaena Draco. This tree belongs to the family of Asparagaceae. All around the world, dragon trees are famous for their odd appearance. Dragon tree has a unique umbrella shape. In ancient times flightless birds (which are now extinct) used to eat the fruit of dragon trees. These birds will help spread seeds by elimination. There is a saying that fewer dragon trees are due to the fewer number of extinct birds.

  • Baobab Trees 

creepy trees

It is located in Madagascar, Africa, and Australia. It is 1000 years old. The scientific name of baobab trees is Adansonia. It belongs to the Malvaceae family. This tree has nine species, out of which six are found in Madagascar. Two species are found in Africa, and the remaining one belongs to Australia. A surprising fact about baobab trees is that they are used as prisons in Australia due to their weird structure. You can find people talking about its incredible height and width. It can extend up to 16 feet to 98 feet in height. And 23 feet to 36 feet in terms of breadth.

  • Silk Cotton Tree 

creepy trees

It is located in Cambodia. Its age is estimated to be 200 years old. The scientific name of the silk-cotton tree is Ceiba pentandra. Weird looking trees belong to the family of tetramelaceae. You can find this weird tree in the Seam Ream province of Cambodia. It is believed that silk cotton trees have the most bizarre appearance in the world. If you look at silk cotton trees properly, their trunk rises to the sky, which looks surreal. Then the box creates a canopy around the temple. Its roots remain stuck to the ground.


You can find trees in which some have unusual heights, and others have weird breadth. Some look creepy, and some carry evergreen beauty. The one which looks beautiful is a naturally created element (no artificial effort is present).

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